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Old 07-28-2002, 07:13 PM   #1
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Finally got new!

It was an epic journey of about 700 miles in one day but worth the effort.

We went to the Ranch House to pick up the truck and had to do some work on it. It needed oil in the rear end, the spare removed from bumper mount, a little water in the radiator and all the fluid checks before taking off on the 350 mile return trip in the hot sun! We depart Hunters and head toward Davenport, Huntington and Riztville. 42 miles into the journey, I am getting used to the is big and heavy but rock solid! Exactly what I would expect from a 1 t. with only 63,000 miles. We stop at Edna's in Davenport for a burger. I check the rear end to see how it is doing, expecting it to be dry and the pinion shaft seal to have stopped dripping. What I see is a major puddle of oil and a continuous drip from the rear end pinion seal. I am thinking this is going to be a long trip. Brian suggests we get our burgers to go! A stop at the hardware store to buy four quarts of 90 weight gear oil is next on the agenda...$16.95. We gas up and are on the road again. We plan to stop in Ritzville to oil up the rear end and gas-up Brian's Suburban. I crawl under the truck with wrench in hand...remove the drain plug and put my finger in to check the level. Funny, it seems almost full. I add less than a quarter of a quart and it is running out! It must only leak when standing keep moving.

About 3.5 hours and about 200 miles later we reach the top of Snoqualmie pass. The truck surges and makes one huge backfire. "What was that?" I say to myself as we head down the least we are going down hill for the next 30 miles. About 10 miles later it starts surging badly...this is not good. About that time Brian flashes me to pull over..."He must see something" I am saying to myself. No, he just wants to tell me how great the trip was, how great my truck is running and he will call me tomorrow. "Not so fast" I say...we need to check this out and discuss the problem...raise the hood and look for obvious leaks, hoses off etc...gas it a few times and it seems fine. He follows me about 5 miles and the truck seems to be fine but I keep it at 50...he calls on the cell and says run it up to 65 and see what happens. I oblige and it starts the surging again and now slows to about 25 mph...I barely make it to the next exit. "Thanks Briain...that was an excellent suggestion!" I leave the truck running and we decide that it has to be fuel related...maybe a clogged filter. We see no other leaks or obvious problems. I suggest we try for another exit. I get the truck to 40 and it starts surging and drops back to 25 mph, barely running now. We decide to try to blow out the filter so pull off on a road into North Bend. I crawl into a church parking lot and we pop the hood for another we both spot fuel leaking from fuel pump. I turn the engine off and it is now running out of the bottom of the's trashed.

I move the truck out of the parking lot...we don't need to piss of The Man by melting his asphalt...we got enough problems already.

Into is look for an auto parts store. About a mile up the road is a is still open Saturday night and I get a new pump for $19.95! Brian buys a new set of tools for his Suburban saying "These could come in handy when we replace the pump." I remember we have only a couple of tools. How cool is that...I guess The Man is paying us back for the gesture about his asphalt. Back to the truck and 20 minutes later I find the inlet fitting is the wrong size...gas runnig down my arms and meeting in the middle of my back...I hate working on broken trucks in middle of the road on a hot Saturday evening. I went to college so I wouldn't have to do this anymore...what happened? The wife calls to tell me we have been invited over to Skip and Paulines for dinner and could I hurry things along a bit. "Where are you anyway?" "On my back on the shoulder of Interstate 90 by North Bend working on a fuel pump...I will get there when the good Lord sees fit to grant me a bit of luck!" I say with appropriate sarcasm.

The pump is wrong...fitting is too we scramble to get back to NAPA for replacements. Brian says we have 6 minutes until NAPA closes so we had better hurry. Gas is still free flowing from the bad fuel pump...I hope there is still some left in the tank when we get back with the correct pump. I take the tubing and fitting this time to make sure we get a fit. We make it to NAPA with minutes to spare and they find the right pump in stock..."'67 for a 2 barrel fuel pump with the little fittings...all '68s had four barrels he states with authority". "Yeah, whatever" I time to argue as my stock '68 (with 2-barrel) is draining itself in the gravel about about a mile away. "Sure glad you guys are still open" I say as we run for the Burby with more new tools and new fuel pump in hand. Did I forget to mention that we took this 350 mile test drive without tools and spares? Hey, are we confident or just plain stupid?

Under the truck in the gravel I find the clamps are a little too small for the inlet side. I struggle but there is no way to make them fit. McIver hands me a piece of baling wire and a pair of pliers and says "Make it work... Alice". followed by..."Nice job is your husband a mechanic too?" 15 minutes later the pump is on and the truck booms back to life without a hint of a leak anywhere.

Back on the road again we stop at a Chevron Mart and stink up the restrooms with the smell of gasoline and grease as we take a bath in the sink to get a little cleaner for the last 50 miles of the of trip. The manager looks at me in disgust as I walk out the door saying "I'd buy some food in here if it didn't all smell like gasoline."

Brian and I salute each other with obscene hand gestures as I pull of I-90 onto Highway 18 and he continues into Seattle. We call each other on our cell phones and agree not to do any more trips like this without a full complement of tools and a truck load of trained lackeys to operate them...hey wait a minute, we are the trained lackeys!

Pics of my new truck to follow...nice interior...all original NFS.
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'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)

Last edited by stllookn; 07-28-2002 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:15 PM   #2
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Interior, all original...even the carpet is still good. The paint inside the cab just shines like new...this is so cool! The seats are the best orginal buckets I have ever seen. They are actually still soft since this truck never really saw the sun with motorhome overhanging the cab.
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'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)

Last edited by stllookn; 07-28-2002 at 07:18 PM.
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:19 PM   #3
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Glove box is 133 inch wheelbase...can you spell Longhorn Dually?
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'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:20 PM   #4
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I love the bucket seats. Man they are in great shape!
1967 Chevy 1/2 SWB (under construction)
1968 GMC (propane-under construction)
1969 GMC Flatbed (propane)
1970 3/4 LWB (propane)
1970 Stepside 402 (gasoline)
1971 GMC Burb
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:26 PM   #5
now thats a true COON DOG
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Thumbs up

Wow, good story! Great looking truck too!
current project
67 402BB stout th350 3.08's with a locker. Plan on tubs 18.5's out back! (thanks Burnsman!)

71 SWB Stepside, was a 250, now is a 402 Big Block with 4 speed and 3.73's ( was crushed by a tree, bed sold, motor pulled) was my first truck!... oh well...

72 LWB 4x4 350 4-speed 3.08's posi wearing army olive drab green (SOLD!)

68 BURB 50TH LOOKALIKE work in progress, soon to have 250-I6 with a 3-speed on the tree 4.11's and posi ( currently sitting in back yard tarped awaiting time, $$$, and lots of love!)

67 1 TON- work truck 396 sm 420 4-speed, flat bed 4.57 gears "big red" (my first landscape truck, very rusty and crusty! but still gets the job done when needed!)
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:27 PM   #6
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That was some trip LOL Glad you made it home Got some good laughs out of your story. I have that kind of luck too.
1969 Chevy C10. Dakota Digital Gauges, 383 Votex Engine, MSD 8361 Distributor, MSD 6A Unit, Demon Carb, Phoenix Transmission 4L80E trans, 3:73 Posi Rear End
Early Classics 6 Lug Disc Brakes and Spindles
All Stainless Lines
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:27 PM   #7
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No rust...unmolested and pretty much spotless. Only 63,700 original miles. I have to thank CARS4567 for finding this one and convincing me to buy it "sight unseen!" What are friends for anyway?
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'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-28-2002, 07:34 PM   #8
Super Chevy
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that's one nice original truck, GOOD FIND ,good story too hehe,glad to hear you got it home
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Old 07-28-2002, 09:31 PM   #9
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Great score! We need to get together, I live in Lynnwood. The only other person I have met is redcheyenne. Next time there is a meet in Puyallup we should have a meeting of the board members.
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Old 07-29-2002, 02:26 AM   #10
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chevy71super...good idea. We try to do that and have been successful in the past with as many as four or five showing up. The next really big swap meet is Monroe but I am sure there are plenty of others too. Now I have a truck I can trust to drive more than five or six miles and this one can carry some heavy stuff home! Keep in touch.
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-29-2002, 02:56 AM   #11
70 Jimmy
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stllookin, I know where there is a flatbed (just the bed) for sale just south of Salem, Oregon. I could check the price if your interested. Sure would be a good use of a 68 duallie.
70 Jimmy 454 2wd
56 GMC Big Window
"It's funny till someone gets hurt, then it's freakin' hilarious"
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:05 AM   #12
68 Stepside
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Wow! Gorgeous truck! And you know, the part in the story about saluting each other? I can picture racedvl and I doing that someday...when one of us is crazy enough to pull a stunt like yours (it will happen, oh yes, it will).

Glad you got home safely...and that truck is SWEET.

Someday when I'm lonely,
Wishing you weren't so far away,
Then I will remember
Things we said today.

RIP El Jay
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:34 AM   #13
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Posts: 6,465 was pretty funny...but one of those adventures you wouldn't trade for the world! I have been cleaning the truck today and really would like to find a Longhorn bed and add some '67-72 stepside fender extensions to the outside of the box. Just enough to cover the duallies. I would then drop it about 3/5 and see what it looks like! Since it is such a nice daily driver now I am going to take my time and do a few Photoshop scenarios before anything major. My son is already telling his buddies the seats are his...LOL!

Check on that flatbed only for curiosity...I really am thinking Longhorn here but have not had much luck finding a box locally.

Thanks for the compliments guys...this truck really is special. I was cleaning the inside of the cab and the visors and every part in there is just like new! I don't think anyone ever smoked in it either.

As soon as I cut the extra 12 inches off the existing flatbed and remount the tailights it is going into the sun on those stock seats!
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-29-2002, 09:44 AM   #14
Yukon Jack
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Looks awesome. What a great find. The stories on these trucks are always a blast to read. Seems nothing is ever easy! But if it were easy, wouldn't make much of a story.
1970 Blazer with a 400 sbc and 4" lift
1980 Pontiac Trans Am, 455 Oldsmobile
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Old 07-29-2002, 10:01 AM   #15
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:04 PM   #16
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Originally posted by CARS4567
How True!

Nice find stllookn!
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:20 PM   #17
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Great find! Sounds like you have some excellent plans for it.....

I know you'll keep us posted....right?
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:22 PM   #18
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Now you have to change your board name to "found one". Sweet truck!!
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Old 07-29-2002, 03:32 PM   #19
Now the others dig........
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Great should be a writer What is that little gauge were the AC vent should be???? Nice truck....looks real clean!!!!
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09 Chevy Silverado Shortbed Granite Blue
LOOKING FOR A 67 4 DOOR IMPALA!!!Just like Sam and Dean Winchester!! 'Cause Mustangs are for p^**#$ and you can fit a body in the trunk of a 67 Impala
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Texas State University-San Marcos, TX
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I hope Mom is up there watching and being my Guardian Angel

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Old 07-29-2002, 03:45 PM   #20
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That little gauge is another ammeter. It had two batteries but one is now missing. I don't think there was a generator in the motorhome but I will trace the wires. Anybody know anything about the Frigette AC? The compressor looks very familiar. I guess the dash has been compromised with that additional hole!

It is going to take a week to scrape the dirt from inside those duallies! I will certainly keep you all posted with the progress. I can see another adventure putting my new rear window is a two man job and should be good for another story..LOL!
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-29-2002, 06:13 PM   #21
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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You can have my Longhorn bed. (Doubt you want it thoguh.
Actually though, I will be getting another bed from a board member sometime soon, and you could get the 'longhorn extenton pieces' from me (for shipping) and graft tehm to a longbed. They are just butt welded.
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Old 07-29-2002, 06:58 PM   #22
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Longhorn...I just happen to have an extra long bed sitting here! I can weld it up if you can send me the extensions...I would be happy to pay you for them and the effort. I figure this bed is going to need lots of work anyway, especially if I decide to keep the dualies under it. If I do I will have to add those fender extensions. I may consider replacing the rear end with something more streetable than the 5.14 peg leg that is in there now. Thanks for the're on!
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 07-29-2002, 10:11 PM   #23
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All of this trouble going on less than five minutes from me!! I could have made your lives a little easier. Glad to hear that you were successful though.
68 Short Fleet 4x4; 427; BTO Level 3 700R4; NP205; Dana 60 front and rear; 4" lift with 35's; Disc brakes; AGR variable ratio steering; factory bucket seats; factory tach and tilt.

"Friends call me cruzer cuz I like fast cars and fast women"
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Old 07-29-2002, 10:22 PM   #24
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Stllookn, Glad to see you made it on one piece or is that in a couple of pieces. If you have the originial window opening it shouldn't be too hard for you and your son to put in the rear window.
After I get back from vacation maybe I could come over to see your newest prize.
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Old 07-29-2002, 10:24 PM   #25
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Mike, (If I remember you first name right!)

That is great once-in-a-lifetime find. I see all the correct 68 CST stuff there, Full chrome, Carpet, glovebox emblem, chrome trim on the pedals and chrome front bumper to name a few. Your cab is nearly a dead ringer for mine except trim color and you have buckets (You lucky dog!)

Looks like you had an open road camper on it originally. Are you missing your rear glass? Is the rear of the cab notched out between the buckets like I've seen on some of the Open Roads?

That truck is begging to be concerted to a Longhorn dually!

Contrats again and great story!

Unrestored 68 C-10 CST. Original 327. 4-Speed CH465. 50k or so miles.

TREASURER, Drum Brake Club.
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