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Old 05-02-2010, 10:30 AM   #1
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Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Where does everyone get there motivation? I got burned by the body shop to where i had to take my truck back after a year, its supposed to go to another body shop but i dont know if that will motivate me. I see some of you guys with ridiculous rust and truck that are just beat to hell, and think of how lucky someone would be to have a start like mine. But honestly i would like to just work on my 98. I bought full art suspension for it thinking that would motivate me, NOPE, then 22" intros, and still none. As much as i would love to sell it its not worth anything in this shape. The sad part is it was a running driving 42,000 original mile truck that i blew apart. Here are some pics and im serious when i say this ( anyone in the portland area who wants to light a fire under my ass PM me and come take a look!) lets get this pig done!!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:35 AM   #2
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

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Old 05-02-2010, 10:41 AM   #3
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

why the satin finish on the door and part of the firewall?
Killer 71
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:45 AM   #4
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

those pics are motivating to most... if you are getting burnt out then I suggest that you put a cover over it for awhile and step away... the time will come when you are ready to go again.
The Garage:
1968 K-10 SWB - "Project Money Pit"
1996 Z-71 - "huntin rig"
1969 C-10 LWB (SOLD) "Project flip that truck or else"
1993 Passport, F@rd 1-ton (SOLD)"Project Cousin Eddie"

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Old 05-02-2010, 10:49 AM   #5
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Sickred.....I have some good advice for you. I have done a really good job at looking over all your pics. I can see that this truck has no chance of turning out good. Everyone is starting to lean toward the longbeds. Red is not a very good color. Your pulley system looks way too complicated. Your tires are going to rub. You don't have enough room in your garage. Your wheels should be painted white but for some reason they are a shiny color which is an indication of a casting flaw.........and on and on and on.......

Here is the good news! I too live in Oregon. I'm not sure where you are at but I'm in sunny Bend. Put that darn thing on a trailer and drag it out of here. I have 2K in my pocket to get you out from under that rat-trap. Imports are making a huge statement now and that 2K would get you a good starter. I would think that would be motivation enough!!! morphine drip is about to run out and I need to call for the nurse.........
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:54 AM   #6
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Originally Posted by msgross View Post
those pics are motivating to most... if you are getting burnt out then I suggest that you put a cover over it for awhile and step away... the time will come when you are ready to go again.
x 2. Those pics would motivate me to get that truck finished in about a week.
1972 C/10 Cheyenne Super SWB. Restored, loaded, slammed.

1968 C/10 50th Anniversary LWB. Unrestored, stock, daily driver/work truck.

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Old 05-02-2010, 11:35 AM   #7
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Ok, I know you're struggling with motivation so my opinion isn't going to help much but I'll trade you my running 350/350 Jag rear end, freshly re-wired '46 half ton straight up for your truck. I'm in SoCal but I'd LOVE to have your truck. The hard work has been done. It's an Erector Set/Leggo project now, just bolt on the new parts! One by one, weekend by weekend...and hell, it ALREADY looks good.

Last edited by Dan in Pasadena; 05-02-2010 at 11:36 AM.
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Old 05-02-2010, 12:12 PM   #8
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

I'd put an HEI in the motor run some plug wires and fire that thing up on a old milk jug full of gas while holding a booster pac in my teeth...drop a milk crate in behind the wheel and run it around the Hood....if it runs and drivgive her some the rest of the stuff is way over can always put on a set of sunglasses and use hand signals!!

you can always tell a real hot rod guy because his ass looks like a waffle from all the running around sitting on a milk crate
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Old 05-02-2010, 12:36 PM   #9
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Your motivation will come back some time in June. I used to live on the Oregon coast and we would never see the sun between October and June. After all that rain, there wouldn't be enough ambition to fill up a thimble!
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Old 05-02-2010, 01:56 PM   #10
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

that truck is sweet man just run down get the grill painted put it on and the other fender and it will start looking more promising and you should want to finish it then. If not,i go with what prostreetc-10 said. I live in cali but hell for a truck looking that good me and my buddy could round up 2500 and drive up there and get it. But seriously if you have been workin on it preety steady and are just burned out just cover it and walk away for a month or to and when you come back and pull the cover off you will say hell two weeks and i will b done
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Old 05-02-2010, 04:46 PM   #11
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Bring that thing down to Cali and you and me will have that thing doing burnouts in a day!! Or bring that thing down here and I will hand you some bills! Like said above, its just a little more paint then its just nuts and bolts.

Once that thing is rolling down the road, even without a hood or seat, you will fall back in love!
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Old 05-02-2010, 04:51 PM   #12
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

i don't know about you but i was working on my car and kept complaining about getting it painted done etc. and my wife chewed my butt for about 45 min one nite and the next week i found a shop to paint it
Lime Wife's 67

Back to the Fifties 59

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Old 05-02-2010, 04:56 PM   #13
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Originally Posted by KrazyRay View Post
Your motivation will come back some time in June. I used to live on the Oregon coast and we would never see the sun between October and June. After all that rain, there wouldn't be enough ambition to fill up a thimble!
I agree with the above statement, ... not alot of vitimin D in a raincloud.

and by the looks of the pictures money is not the hangup.
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Old 05-02-2010, 05:13 PM   #14
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

From what I see all you have to do is step out in the garage and you should be motivated to work on a truck that is that far along. I am trying to get full 1/4's on my Chevelle right now then still have alot more body work before I can even get to paint!!! Then once the Chevelle is done off to the wife's C10. Step away for a week or 2 and don't go out in the garage at all and see what happens when you open that garage door in 2 weeks!
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Old 05-02-2010, 08:23 PM   #15
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

If you were in South Florida we would have that thing up and running in less than a month, the hard part is done. As long as we have all the parts that thing would definetly done in one month....

Ship it down and my guys will finish it for you......
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please!!!!!.

Sylvester's build thread >>>
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Old 05-02-2010, 11:30 PM   #16
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

I know exactly how you feel. After 8 years since buying the truck that started it all, I am still not driving my 68. I was at a point back in Jan/Feb that I said I was done. I even listed it for sale on craigslist and got one offer to trade for a race car I have no use for.

Realizing I could not sell it in pieces for a fraction of what I have in it, I went and talked to my body guy. We agreed I needed to move forward wether I kept it or sold it. A driving truck is going to be worth more and eaiser to sell.

Another motivating factor was I someday want to get a 02 Ram Air Ta and if I had one, no more working/waiting/fabbing. Just keep it clean, minor mods, and drive it.

So I decided to get the truck driveable for as cheap as possible without cutting corners on the important stuff. I figure if I can at least get it titled and driving, I may get motived again. And if not, it would be much eaiser to sell.

Now the body man is prepping the bed while I work on my wiring. I am going to be driving it with a painted front end/cab that needs to be redone due to some flaws, a primer bed, cheapy wheels, no interior, no radio, no carpet. Once I get some of the kinks out and decide for sure I am seeing it thru, we are going to pull the bed, mask her up and get the paint done.

Then one day interior will get completed. Prob have to save up and do wheels last.

I am now motivated again, and once I drive it legally on the road, I am pretty sure I will be ready to git-r-dun.

Keep at it, wether you sell or not. And hopefully motivation will return. Plus you already have nice wheels!

It does not have to be 100% finished to be fun. But you do need to get it street legal.

Good luck.

My .02
68 C10 Shortbed Fleetside
06 Chevy Ext Cab Fleetside
03 Grand Prix GTP

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Old 05-03-2010, 12:10 AM   #17
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

I've been there before, after a while it kinda seems pointless, overwhelming, too expensive, etc, etc. But like others have said, sometimes you got to take a break here and there to regain your focus. I get my motivation from this website and guys like you that are farther along in their project than I am. Maybe you should go to a local car show or something to see some nice finished rides. If the weather is bad at home, take a road trip down to Cali, I'm sure there's some nice ones on display there.
72 Chevy CST K5 HIGHLANDER BLAZER Getting a 6.0,NV4500,NP205,14BFF (Currently laying all over the place in little pieces)
72 Chevy swb step-side "LS" 6.0 Here's a build thread of sorts
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Old 05-03-2010, 12:18 AM   #18
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

What I usually do is start with a small task, once that one is done in like 30 min then hop on the next one on the list. After a couple of the smaller things are done I'm on a roll. Seeing things get done is the best motivation for me.
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Old 05-03-2010, 12:19 AM   #19
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

i'm kinda the same way sickred, i get my stuff all in a bunch when i see something i want.
then when i get it,i feel like "what next?"
i'm outgrowing it, but it is an old habit.
maybe you should work backwards, sell some stuff off the truck and take it in a new direction.
just my 02 of course.

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Old 05-03-2010, 12:57 AM   #20
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

I feel your pain brotha'! I live about 30 miles NW of you and have had my '67 GMC in the garage for 2 years now and all I've managed to accomplish is gut the pig, repair some rot and shave the drip rails. Life, family and all that goes along with them seems to occupy a great deal of my time, not to mention the weather here on the left coast has been utterly dismal for what seems an eternity. I personnally believe the never-ending rain and grayness sucks any semblence of ambition out of all but the most perseverent. Nonetheless, my motivation comes in fits and spurts....maybe it's A.D.D. or something. I try not to force anything and just let inspiration come as it may. When it does- I'll get after it for awhile and get some more accomplished. I'm sure when the sun makes it's appearance again- I'll be more juiced to get out to the shop and start hackin' up some sheet metal!!
Be patient, and think about a mid-build hiatus. Get the beast running and driving as is and hit some cruise-nights and local show-n-shines. Enjoy your progress to date. Then when the time is right you can finish the paint job, interior and other stuff.......or not.
'67 CST-10 LWB ("Crusty") SOLD
'67 GMC SWB ("Murdock")
2000 K1500 Suburban ("Betty")
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Old 05-03-2010, 01:05 AM   #21
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Your motivation is a key turn away once you sit down fire that thing up, it will in turn fire you up trust me.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:21 AM   #22
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Originally Posted by Dingfodgy View Post
I feel your pain brotha'! I live about 30 miles NW of you and have had my '67 GMC in the garage for 2 years now and all I've managed to accomplish is gut the pig, repair some rot and shave the drip rails. Life, family and all that goes along with them seems to occupy a great deal of my time, not to mention the weather here on the left coast has been utterly dismal for what seems an eternity. I personnally believe the never-ending rain and grayness sucks any semblence of ambition out of all but the most perseverent. Nonetheless, my motivation comes in fits and spurts....maybe it's A.D.D. or something. I try not to force anything and just let inspiration come as it may. When it does- I'll get after it for awhile and get some more accomplished. I'm sure when the sun makes it's appearance again- I'll be more juiced to get out to the shop and start hackin' up some sheet metal!!
Be patient, and think about a mid-build hiatus. Get the beast running and driving as is and hit some cruise-nights and local show-n-shines. Enjoy your progress to date. Then when the time is right you can finish the paint job, interior and other stuff.......or not.
Good point on the weather out there.
I've got a friend in Seattle, and she says her motiviation and those around her are at an all-time low.

My truck is a daily driver,so i'm motivated everytime i turn the key in the morning on my way to Starbucks.
i decide what i want to do next WHILE i'm driving the ole truck.

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Old 05-03-2010, 05:13 AM   #23
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

#1:Hook up with some of the great members we have in your area.Wait...what part of Oregon are you in?Anyway,if there are others near you it does a lot to motivate.I got my neighbor going and his buddies hopped-in on a build.Now his is done and mine`s a buch of parts (he had the funds I`m lacking).

#2:Get the right attitude.All the parts in the world you can buy,but they ain`t jumpin`on there by themselves.It`s an old truck and many things you`re wanting to do,although seen done by others,is like a prototype.This ain`t no bolt-on deal.It does take work and dedication,but more than anything...keep the vision of the end while maintaining a step-by-step patience.Next thing you know it`s close to done and your motivation will drive you whether you want it to or not.You`re stuck somewhere in the middle now...can`t back out/long way to go.But not really.Once past the body/paint stage,which looks past 1/2 done,it`s Easy Street,IMO.
"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

GMC '67 C1500 Wideside Super Custom SWB: 327/M22/3.42 posi.........."The '67" (project)
GMC '72 K2500 Wideside Sierra Custom Camper: 350/TH350/4.10 Power-Lok..."The '72" (rolling)

"Don't call me a redneck. I'm a rough cut country gentleman"

R.I.P. ~ East Side Low Life ~ El Jay ~ 72BLUZ ~ Fasteddie69 ~ Ron586 ~ 67ChevyRedneck ~ Grumpy Old Man ~
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:02 AM   #24
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
#2:Get the right attitude.All the parts in the world you can buy,but they ain`t jumpin`on there by themselves.It`s an old truck and many things you`re wanting to do,although seen done by others,is like a prototype.This ain`t no bolt-on deal.It does take work and dedication,but more than anything...keep the vision of the end while maintaining a step-by-step patience.Next thing you know it`s close to done and your motivation will drive you whether you want it to or not.You`re stuck somewhere in the middle now...can`t back out/long way to go.But not really.Once past the body/paint stage,which looks past 1/2 done,it`s Easy Street,IMO.
very, VERY true.
72 Chevy CST K5 HIGHLANDER BLAZER Getting a 6.0,NV4500,NP205,14BFF (Currently laying all over the place in little pieces)
72 Chevy swb step-side "LS" 6.0 Here's a build thread of sorts
2002 HD2500 Crew Cab, 8.1L Allison 4x4 Daily Driver

Check it out
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Old 05-03-2010, 12:42 PM   #25
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Re: Wanted: Motivation.....where can i get some in oregon?

Nice ride man id love to be that far along but I hear ya on the weather its getting sunny and you know your gonna wanna cruise that thing... Did you go to the portland show there was a few killer trucks there..

MEMBER #6377

72 k-5 daily driver 6'' lift 35'' 350-350-205 slowly getting rust free.

Project "7DEUCE"

check out my build

Tim Powell..R.I.P EastSideLowlife..... R.I.P..
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