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Old 01-22-2011, 02:15 PM   #1
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Crazy Truck Stories

Something tells me you folks have your share of crazy crap that has happened to you while you were in your truck. How about sharing some of them? Here is mine. It was a bad day for me and my wife thought I was on drugs when I called her to ask for a hand.
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Old 01-22-2011, 03:11 PM   #2
Keith Seymore
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

I can't top that.

Dare I ask - were you the kidnap victim, or the truck driver?

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Old 01-22-2011, 03:50 PM   #3
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

I was the driver. Not sure I would have the guts to post it if I was the victim. It was kinda crazy. I had just dropped my load of lumber on 285 because the tailgate broke and the load sagged to the point that it touched the road and was pulled right out. Had I not been looking for my load of lumber I would have ran him over.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:42 PM   #4
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Just say no kids...
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Old 01-22-2011, 09:39 PM   #5
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

I think this thread climaxed in the first post. I'd tell a story but it would be lame now....
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Old 01-22-2011, 10:24 PM   #6
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Sorry. I assumed stupid crap happens to everyone.
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:28 AM   #7
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Hard to top that one!! Next time secure your load better!!
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:33 AM   #8
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Ummmm, I got pulled over for not having a license plate light once.
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:32 AM   #9
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Wow! Very lucky man! How was the pucker factor seeing him roll your way?

Btw I once backed up into a car in the airport.
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Old 01-23-2011, 06:21 AM   #10
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

I thought you said "Crazy stories".Most places that would count but I've lived in Atlanta.

Still I can't top that one.
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:05 AM   #11
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

The pucker factor was off of my chart but I'm kinda wimpy sometimes. He was basically naked by the time I stopped next to him. 70 mph somersaults on pavement are a great way to lose all of your clothes and skin at the same time. Had I not been looking for my lumber I would have been doing 85mph like everyone else and he would been as flat as a pancake. What was really messed up was that while they stabilized him in the bed of my truck (and I gave my statement to 3 different police agencies) someone pulled up next to my lumber and stole it all. $1000 worth of Trex boards vanished into thin air.
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:27 PM   #12
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Not nearly as crazy of a story as the O.P. but to attempt to get this thread going as intended:
I had my wheel, tire, and axle pass me going 60 mph down the highway. I watched it go by and thought, that looks like mine....... OH $%^! All was okay, thankfully it did not hit anyone else and I was able to drift to a stop within 1/2 mile. The c-clip was not in the differential, but I had driven the truck for two years with no problem so I have no clue what happened to it because it had to have been there before.

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Old 01-23-2011, 05:04 PM   #13
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

See. Other people have crazy crap happen too. Driving down the highway and one of your Tires passing you officially qualifies as crazy. Not sure I would have reacted well to that. Did it destroy anything on the truck when that side of the truck fell?
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:53 PM   #14
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Many years ago, I think around summer of '86 maybe, I was out of work so I agreed to do some foundations for a couple of friends who were building log cabins up in the mountians outside of Heber, Utah. They had this old like early 50 something two ton Chevy. That old truck was actually in real good shape for it's age, and we used it to haul a stack of rented Symons forms up the hill. It took several trips, and on one of the return trips, they wanted to haul this great big log back down to the yard. So we threw it on and chained it down.

Now, one of the few little things wrong with the truck was a leaky brake line. They had meant to fix it, but hadn't yet. They had a gallon jug of brake fluid and kept the master cyl. filled up, and the hand brake worked real good, so it was all good, and we topped off the master and headed down the hill. We made the several miles of dirt road just fine, made the stop at the highway OK and headed for town. From this point, Heber is about 7 or 8 miles down a fairly straight highway so we came up to speed. About 2 miles out, we get into the slower speed limits and Bill, the driver, steps on the brakes and of course, they go clear to the floor!

We don't panic right off. Bill starts downshifting. Since this truck has a 2 speed rear end, he is slowing us down just fine and easy until he blows a shift and the rear end jams between gears. We still don't panic, but our unease is definatly growing. Bill says "Well, this is why they call it the 'emergency brake''' and laughs and gives the handle a pull. It does absolutly nothing. We then realize that the E-brake is the type that is basicly a brake drum at the rear of the transmission, and our problem is that we are in nuetral at the rear end!

Now, we panic. We are about a mile and a half from Main Street, which is also US 40, and a very busy road. The road we are on has just enough of a slope that we are maintaining about 40 MPH or so, so we have a good 2 or 3 minutes to discuss how bad the wreck is gonna be when we get to Main Street. We're trying to decide if we should put it into a tree, or into a ditch, or slough off some speed against the cars lining the road, when all at once we're at Main and out of time and Bill shouts "Hang on-this is gonna be ugly" and starts cranking on that big ol' steering wheel.

Now, I've driven down Main Street Heber City about a million times, and I've waited at every single cross street for what seemed like hours waiting to get across, and I know full well that if I live to be a thousand years old, there will never be a break in traffic like the one me and Bill got that day. There were no cars for several blocks either way. No little old ladies in the crosswalk, no kids on bikes, nothing! I'm not sure why the truck didn't roll when we made the turn, but it didn't, and when we made that turn, it started to do wheel hop some, and the slack end of the chain that was holding that log down slipped off the bed and went under the tire and that's what stopped us.

I never rode in that truck again.
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Old 01-23-2011, 06:27 PM   #15
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Originally Posted by Aegeas View Post
See. Other people have crazy crap happen too. Driving down the highway and one of your Tires passing you officially qualifies as crazy. Not sure I would have reacted well to that. Did it destroy anything on the truck when that side of the truck fell?
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Just the backing plate, and of course the brakes shoes and wheel cylinder when I instinctively stepped on the braked pedal. Not too bad. I'd be more pissed about someone stealing my lumber! Glad your okay though.

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Old 01-23-2011, 06:43 PM   #16
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Originally Posted by pritch View Post
Many years ago, I think around summer of '86 maybe, I was out of work so I agreed to do some foundations for a couple of friends who were building log cabins up in the mountians outside of Heber, Utah. They had this old like early 50 something two ton Chevy. That old truck was actually in real good shape for it's age, and we used it to haul a stack of rented Symons forms up the hill. It took several trips, and on one of the return trips, they wanted to haul this great big log back down to the yard. So we threw it on and chained it down.

Now, one of the few little things wrong with the truck was a leaky brake line. They had meant to fix it, but hadn't yet. They had a gallon jug of brake fluid and kept the master cyl. filled up, and the hand brake worked real good, so it was all good, and we topped off the master and headed down the hill. We made the several miles of dirt road just fine, made the stop at the highway OK and headed for town. From this point, Heber is about 7 or 8 miles down a fairly straight highway so we came up to speed. About 2 miles out, we get into the slower speed limits and Bill, the driver, steps on the brakes and of course, they go clear to the floor!

We don't panic right off. Bill starts downshifting. Since this truck has a 2 speed rear end, he is slowing us down just fine and easy until he blows a shift and the rear end jams between gears. We still don't panic, but our unease is definatly growing. Bill says "Well, this is why they call it the 'emergency brake''' and laughs and gives the handle a pull. It does absolutly nothing. We then realize that the E-brake is the type that is basicly a brake drum at the rear of the transmission, and our problem is that we are in nuetral at the rear end!

Now, we panic. We are about a mile and a half from Main Street, which is also US 40, and a very busy road. The road we are on has just enough of a slope that we are maintaining about 40 MPH or so, so we have a good 2 or 3 minutes to discuss how bad the wreck is gonna be when we get to Main Street. We're trying to decide if we should put it into a tree, or into a ditch, or slough off some speed against the cars lining the road, when all at once we're at Main and out of time and Bill shouts "Hang on-this is gonna be ugly" and starts cranking on that big ol' steering wheel.

Now, I've driven down Main Street Heber City about a million times, and I've waited at every single cross street for what seemed like hours waiting to get across, and I know full well that if I live to be a thousand years old, there will never be a break in traffic like the one me and Bill got that day. There were no cars for several blocks either way. No little old ladies in the crosswalk, no kids on bikes, nothing! I'm not sure why the truck didn't roll when we made the turn, but it didn't, and when we made that turn, it started to do wheel hop some, and the slack end of the chain that was holding that log down slipped off the bed and went under the tire and that's what stopped us.

I never rode in that truck again.
I think I would have needed to change my pants! At least you have plenty of time to come up with a plan, pray, and have a last meal.

1948 Chevy 3100 5 window
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Old 01-23-2011, 06:47 PM   #17
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

It is times like this when you find out that human buttocks have the curious ability to inhale seat leather. The trouble can come when trying to get them to turn loose of the same.
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Old 01-23-2011, 07:29 PM   #18
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

this might not be a truck story and didnt happen to me but i was at the seen of the crime and help repair the van afterwords.

imagin your going down the road like 50mph, you see your trailer passing you on the left side and the engine starts to make horrible noises and suddenly the sound of something hitting the bottom of your seat and the engine dies. gets the van stopped on the side of the road the trailer got into a ditch. lift the seat off the engine bay and to see the cylinder head thrown into the engine bay and number 3 piston and mangled rod is hanging out of the block. all 18 head bolts where snapped right off at the head.

this happend to a good friend of the shop driving his Hyndai van. the engine was replaced and he drove this van for 2 more years before it was totaled in a acident

Tonight mine pulled a few cars out of snowbanks, and is sitting in my driveway, icicles on the grille, wheels just white cakes of snow, buried up to the lug nuts in powder, straps and chains wrapped around the bumpers, the outline of the wipers clear in 4 inches of snow on the windshield... A tired warrior of the 1980s in a world of low profile tires, front wheel drive, and plastic bumpers, where people stay in their houses until snowplows move the offending substance from their paths, too helpless to travel without AAA and chains and salt, clearing their windows with longhandled brushes while gently stepping around in the snow trying to stay nice and dry.
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Old 01-23-2011, 08:52 PM   #19
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

My only story, which isn't so crazy -

Out hunting in the middle of no where Nebraska, about 4 miles from where Wyoming and Colorado and Nebraska all share a corner. We where bustin' down the road about 75MPH (the roads where pretty good there) we saw an old tractor parked along side of the road at an odd angle a few miles away. We begin to slow down and start to pass him doing about 30 or so, but we see the old farmer laying ont he ground. I slow down, pop it in reverse. The guy had a stroke. I called an ambulance, and they said it'd take them over an hour to meet where I'm at - so I told them I'd meet them in a town 20 miles away. We agreed and we grabbed the ol' guy and threw him in the back bench seat, with my dog.

We busted down that road about 80 MPH or so, until we came to an out bridge..all I ahve to say was it was something like the dukes of hazard, it was freakin' insane.

The farmer made it to the ambulance and they took him away. I never caught his name though. - and the ambulance people where terribly rude.
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Old 01-24-2011, 12:43 AM   #20
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

Thats why i dont feel even comfortable without having a gun with me, those drug guys might get ticked at you for helping the guy out or something. Thats insane but thats great you and him are ok. Thats why you dont mess with drugs... I also work late at night for companies with high security(drug companys security companys and things like that)and im always alone and you never know what can happen.
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Old 01-24-2011, 11:57 AM   #21
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

I had just gotten back from my first tour in the desert too, so I was a little jumpy. I fully expected them to jump out of the Neon with guns to get that guy. Needless to say I didn't have my TA50 or a 240b or I would have been a little more comfortable.
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Old 01-24-2011, 01:41 PM   #22
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Re: Crazy Truck Stories

as my dad allways says never stop to help a stranger accident is another matter or pickup a hitch hicker
you never know what your going to get

Tonight mine pulled a few cars out of snowbanks, and is sitting in my driveway, icicles on the grille, wheels just white cakes of snow, buried up to the lug nuts in powder, straps and chains wrapped around the bumpers, the outline of the wipers clear in 4 inches of snow on the windshield... A tired warrior of the 1980s in a world of low profile tires, front wheel drive, and plastic bumpers, where people stay in their houses until snowplows move the offending substance from their paths, too helpless to travel without AAA and chains and salt, clearing their windows with longhandled brushes while gently stepping around in the snow trying to stay nice and dry.

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