60 - 66 Long Box Step Side
Recently bought a step side box and had it hauled to Central Pa from Colorado. Problem is that it is a long box step side and I needed a short box step side. Really nice box can and will post photos of it. No tailgate, but really nice shape on a kind of rare piece. 8' bed Step Side. Looking for Offers or $1,500.00 to recoup some of $ spent. Can hold and take to Truck Nationals in Bloomsburg or Carlise Truck later this year. Also making trip to Arab, Alabama which will take me through Western Pa, West Virginia, Kentucky and Alabama May 23 to pick up correct short box from member here so this could be delivered on my way there. Pictures will be coming soon.
Last edited by pscassidy1; 05-07-2012 at 12:19 PM.
Reason: Added price